-- “License.” Poetry (Chicago), vol. 206, no. 4, Poetry Foundation, 2015, pp. 402–03.
-- “Little Stories Of The World.” Ambit, no. 43, Ambit Magazine, 1970, pp. 44–45.
-- “Mother Mask.” Ploughshares, vol. 15, no. 4, Emerson College, 1989, pp. 153–54.
-- Eurynome’s Sandals. Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2019.
-- “GRAVE OF LIGHT.” Chicago Review, vol. 51, no. 1/2, Chicago Review, 2005, pp. 165–67.
-- Grave of Light : New and Selected Poems, 1970-2005. Wesleyan University Press, 2006.